If a bead of sweat isn’t dripping from your forehead right now, you’re probably one of the lucky ones sitting in an air-conditioned apartment. Or you don’t sweat. Ninety percent of us do; however, our 2 to 4 million sweat glands sometimes produce up to 12 liters of sweat a day in this brutal heat! And that’s a good thing because sweating is healthy!
Sweat is like a detox
By sweating, our body can get rid of harmful substances. We do a free detox cure at these temperatures and get rid of everything our organism does not need.
Sweat cools
There is a reason why we sweat when it is hot. Sweat regulates our body temperature and cools us down again when heated.
Sweating makes you happy
Yes, it does! Activities that make us sweat release many endorphins in the body and make us happy. And not only that: the smell of your sweat can even make other people happy! When you sweat, chemicals are released that positively affect your environment and spread good vibes.
Sweat cleans the skin
A little sweat, and our skin immediately looks better. Sweat cleanses our pores and leaves us looking fresh and with a new complexion. Who needs beauty treatments when it’s so easy! But beware, too much sweat can also lead to pimples. After the gym or a sauna session, be sure to shower.
Sweating helps with colds
When we have a cold, we sweat to get better. This is because it moistens the mucous membranes and speeds up the healing process. Be careful with fever: too high body temperature weakens us and is unhealthy.
- source: miss.at/picture: Bild von un-perfekt auf Pixabay
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